Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the

Albrighton & District Civic Society

held on Monday 4th July 2022 at 2pm

at 32 High Street (PW’s house)

Present :        

Peter Woodman – Chairman

Rod Smith - Secretary

Mike Pitchford – Trreasurer

Gaynor Richards

Patrick Richards

Phyl Woodman

David Beechey (ex-officio member representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC).

David Slatcher (ex-officio member representing Boningale PC).


1. Apologies  Peter Illes, Ron Kidson and Roger Rudman


2. Minutes of Meeting of 20th June 2022 were approved.


3. Treasurer’s Report. MP reported a Balance of £.1247.44.


4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues


a. Progress with gaining SC Planning Application Consultee status for all four parishes. RS had tried to register again but SC said our email address was not being accepted. The SC officer was very positive and helpful and assured me we would get registered RS then tested the email address and found it was working and ACTION: RS will contact SC again.


b. ADCS Annual Calendar Project.. DS reported that all 250 calendars had been delivered to 31 High St and we were now ready to sell them on Fayre Day.

DS provided initial costs of “post cards” and would next seek the costs for the Notelets. The printer advised that the A6 Notelets would be a better cost if the “hinge” was on the long edge. (Thus the front could be a portrait orientation photo)


c  Fayre Day (9th July)

ACTION: all who can, to meet at 8am outside 31 High St to set up the stall.


d.  School Awards Scheme. (Theme for 2022: Albrighton Station)

PW reported that St Mary’s and Albrighton Primary schools had confirmed that entries will be submitted. Judging, for all to attend, on 5th July at 31 High St. It was still hoped that Birchfield would also join in.

Awards to be presented at our stall at 3.30pm on Fayre Day 9th July.


e. The email from Mrs Lowe regarding the need to remove weeds at junction of Station Rd/A41 etc had been sent by PW to Cllr Nigel Lumby with a request that he asks SC to deal with it


f.  Pepper Hill Solar Farm. DS reported that the developer had submitted his planning application and that once BPC have a copy he will call a public meeting.


5. Matters arising  


White Acres Development. RS and PW reported that residents in Garridge Close had asked for help based on the experience of ADAG opposing the Jessup development and then defeating his appeal.

The first White Acres planning application was now with the Planning Inspector in Bristol and would be decided in the next week or so. The developer has also submitted a second planning application, possibly as he feels he may lose at the Planning Inspector review of the first application. There is no date given yet for the meeting of the SC South Planning Committed to deal with the second application.

RS had met with three residents and explained what happened at Shaw Lane and suggested that they set up a group of residents from Garridge Close but also including some on the High St and Ash Grove who were also possibly affected. RS suggested that their concerns and objections would need to focus on those matters which are strictly pertinent to planning. At their request RS had contacted PW and Pete Collins who had both agreed to meet the residents to provide any advice regarding legal and drainage matters. Residents said they had already met with SC Cllr Nigel Lumby but they felt he was not likely to object to the scheme.




6. Any Other Business



7. Next meeting:- 2pm on Monday 1st August  2022 at 31/32 High Street


Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 5th September 2022.         


Note for your Diary

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm

on Monday 10th October 2022 at the Red House        

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October